Friday, July 07, 2006

What is it exactly?

Well, since I broke the digital camera, I'm back to good, ol' fashioned no-photo blogging for a while.

I haven't spun a darn bit since I returned from vacation. Part of it was I was burned out, part of it is that it was too darned hot, and part of it was just that I'm a lazy bum who got sick and just didn't feel good.

I'm looking at my wheel right now, and wondering
"Could I make enough money off spinning to quit my job?"

Not just spinning, mind you. Dyeing too, and maybe even using a drum carder to blend fibers into custom batts.

Frankly, I'm going to buy these spinning toys anyway. 'Cause it's like an obsession, and, I, like, love it, so what's to be lost by putting up an Etsy page, and making a commitment that this fall I'll do as many craft shows as I possibly can?

I'm not talking about quitting wine, god no. I'm just talking about not having to go to the hospitality mines every week. I would have to set up an online shop, and I would have to get wholesale orders from yarnshops. That's a jump from hobby spinning.

However, I look at all the stuff that's for sale, both uber-novelty, and not, and I think..."I can do that"

It's something that I've been playing with, in my mind over the past couple of weeks.

There's no other way but to try. I think that right this minute there is a significant demand for handspun...there has been a knitting revolution out there, so if I decided to go ahead and get a wholesale tax number, and started ordering wholesale undyed fiber, instead of paying retail, decided to link this blog up to a couple of rings, decided to really, really commit to the idea of the craft fair thing this fall (fall/late summer is a great time to sell yarn to knitters...they smell the oncomming cold, and they want to prepare.) If I decided to buy more raw fleece and process it myself, there might be a profit margin.

It's an interesting question I'm pondering.

1 comment:

Saint Lepus said...

Hell yes, You can be rolling in the dough like me. I have painted my own rainbow,complete with the pot o gold at the end. OK, So don't listen to me,Just do it. I haven't know you to leap too far beyond reason. Trust your judgement and follow your heart and disregard my opening statements.....I am just old and bitter.