Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happy Birthday, Shane

One of the people in my life has had a birthday, and since I can't be there with him to cut some cake and tell him how glad I am that he's in my life, this post is dedicated to you, baby.

Over the course of your life you've:

made some horrible mistakes

Over the course of your adulthood you've:
made some kick-ass art
made some kick-ass kids
met some really cool people

During the time that I've known you, you've:
Dressed up like a clown and threatened bar customers with a chainsaw.
Caused me great concern when your back was injured.
Had some big health scares
Pissed me off (remember the poker game?)
Fathered the most amazing child I've ever known.

During the last year you've:
Moved. Far away. Damnit.
Made some big, hard choices. I have to say, I admire you. I'm sure it's not easy, but you have found new strength this last year.
Gone in a new direction with your art. Bravo. Old dogs can learn new tricks.

Happy Birthday, Shane. We all love you, and miss you.

1 comment:

Saint Lepus said...

Thank You so much...That was a great dedication and it has the miraculous effect of making my life sound exciting and even dare I say valid. I do feel validated and it was my friends and daughter that make it so.

I spent a hellish arthritic day at Chucky Cheese with Katie and Izzy and I got older, Older than dirt. Amid all the achievements and disappointments I still stand here blessed with my daughters unconditional love and the priceless love of my friends....As Pee Wee would say "I am the luckiest boy in the whole world!"

Now where the fuck is my chainsaw, I still got a few good days left in me.