Friday, July 14, 2006

Uh, How 'bout August?

I find myself saying that this summer. Seemingly, in August, I will have tons of social obligations that will be mucho fun. The ACS happens next week. I'm actually looking forward to it, because, on Sunday and Monday, we will go to many fun wine producers, and we will drink:)

In August, however....

Let's see:

Dan and Telina will arrive (yeah, I'm thrilled...I can't wait)
Dan and Telina have a friend in town from Napa who's going to stay with us and go to
Marrissa will be in town for Lalapalooza.

Stitches West is in August (Stiches West is like a nationwide conference for kitters. They have classes and stuff. They also have fiber and spinning tools.)

There is a fiber fair in Michigan that I would love to go to.

There might be time to camp/visit friends in Wisconsin, which means that I could go to Freene Creek Farm, and Susan's Fiber Shop, and fondle fiber, and look at a drum carder.

It's my birthday in August. August 23, to be exact.

I have said to more people than I can count,

"We'll do it in August"

We're going to go back to work on the house in August.

Um, I think I'm busy.

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