Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Yarns on Etsy, or "Will I suck?"


Now that the hospitality mines have finally let loose their grasp, and the Cheese World doesn't need every second of my spare time, I'm commiting some time to the yarn.

And the comic book.(Yes, I'm turning one of our screenplays into a comic book. I should say
-we- (my writing partner and I and a very talented young man who is an amazing artist) are making a comic book.

I've got to say...I heart my new yarns. Very much. And, I heart the time I give to them. I just washed up some Romney and it's drying in a white, fluffy cloud.

A little side note about the Romney...
It was full of poo. And, since I had bought the raw Romney at Susan's Fiber Shop in Wisconsin last weekend, a word of warning.

Susan's is -dirty-.

I mean, when you go to The Fold, it's clean. Sure, there's fuzz everywhere, and hey, I wear a decent amount of black, so like, I understant when I walk out of The Fold looking like a lint brush. But I don't have to scrub my fingernails.

Susan's is on a farm, so I totally get the sheep smell. And she sells wool from her own sheep in the shop, both washed and raw, so a little 'sheepy' smell is expected. But, man what about the dust, and the grime, and the poor organization? It's fucking awful.

That, and I felt a little hosed with my Romney.
There were some poorly skirted spots in my wool...which I didn't see when I was going through the bag, which was on the floor of the shop. When I asked for a pound of it, the girl who was working that day stuff a bag full of wool (fine) held it up (fine), and weighed it (fine).

It wasn't until I got home, opened up the ziplock, and spread it out to wash that I noticed the entire center of my bag was a big mass of poo. I feel like she tucked it in the middle so that I wouldn't see it.

Look, I know that there's going to be some sheep shit in raw wool, but it was excessive, and with the sneaking suspicion that I was mislead, and the dirty shop, I probably won't ever make a trip to Susan's Fiber again.


I have a new online shop at Etsy! I'll post yarn and I'll probably post spinning batts as well.

visit if you want


I'll be adding stuff, like a cool logo, and making my profile much more...uh, concise, very soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to know that less time at the Bin is a good thing. I had stopped by there last week to try and say hi, but the hostess said "uh, jan doesn't work here very much anymore", and I was a little worried. Your yarn is :gorgeous:! Congrats on the sales!