Monday, October 23, 2006

Go big, or go home

So, in The Knit/Spin Blogosphere this was a Big Weekend.



Rhinebeck, is the New York Sheep and Wool Festival, and it's a Big Deal.

You -must- make a Rhinebeck sweater, and perhaps some Rhinebeck socks to wear at Rhinebeck. I think it's because this is a cool weather festival, unlike the spring/summer ones.

You must take part in blogger meet ups, and cool little games, and meet other knitters, and well, become A Part Of the Action.

Sometimes this stuff pisses me off a little.

I mean, people brag about how much they bought. They show you all sorts of yarn and wool you didn't even know that you needed. They talk about their shame. But they don't mean it.

It's like calling your girlfriend and talking about how great the body was on that guy that you banged when you were drunk.

"I didn't even know his name when I woke up. I'm so ashamed"

"Really? Were you careful?"



"He was fucking hot. And, um, though I don't know his name, I've got the imprint of his chin on my inner know what I mean?"

Envious sigh from friend. "Yeah.....Bitch."

That, in a nutshell is what Rhinebeck is like for me. I didn't bang some stranger last night. I'm just hearing it second hand. So. Blog on about the wool, and the sheep, and your new sweater.

I'll admit it. I'm green. That's what envy does.

So onto other, happier things.

I bought an entire fleece.

From here

If you look under 2006 Fleece, there is a sample of my wool.

It's got the romantic name of 562. I know, there's all these names, like Karma and Hippie and stuff, I go for the most unromantic name ever. However it's Hogget.

A Hogget fleece is a fleece that was shorn when the sheep just past lambdom...thus the ends of the fleece are lamb's wool (which is super duper soft). Cormo are a cross breed of Merino and um, they are supposedly the cat's meow when it comes to spinning.

Three pounds of dirty fleece are on the way.

I have a feeling I'll be washing that bitch in stages. I don't want to risk using the washing machine method because Merino and related breeds felt easily. So, while I could have used the washing machine for that Romney, all bets are off for 562.

Oh, and yes, my arm is getting better, in little ways, every day.

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