Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Highlights of 2005

Started to knit.

Started to spin.

Learned how to dye with koolaid.

Finished the damn kitchen.

Finished the damn living room.

Finished the damn dining room.

Destroyed the addition from hell.

Almost finished the damn bathroom.

Brought mutant cat 2 and 3 into our family.

Went back to 'the company'.

How do if feel about all these things? Well, for the most part, I feel good. Even returning to the company, and the fact that there is still a big amount of 'crazy' in the company, I wouldn't change a darn thing about my life. I'm busy. Real busy, but not as hectic, "I never sleep and I drink too much to kill the bug inside me", as I was when I worked for the company the first time.

I love both my jobs, and they both allow me to do different things.

I love my three mutant cats, but I especially love Phang, the hairless wonder, because she needs me. Lobby and Tidbit do not need me like Phang needs me, and that makes me a God to Phang and I love it.

1 comment:

Saint Lepus said...

Started to knit.-Thats good because idle hands are the devils work.

Started to spin.-I bet the sexiest evolutionary biologist at UIC LOVES that.

Learned how to dye with koolaid.-So did nearly a thousand of Father Jim Jones followers.

Finished the damn kitchen.-Did a damn amazing job too.

Finished the damn living room.-Par Exellante

Finished the damn dining room.-Ditto

Destroyed the addition from hell.-I think you should have waited for the impending race riots in your "Hood" and the angry mob of disenfranchised African Americans would have ripped it down for free while screaming "Cracker Go Home" due to the fact that Honkeys are buying up thier hood.

Almost finished the damn bathroom.-A true labour of love but I still get confused when I am drunk and trying to pick up the change fropm the floor.....I think that was an intentionally malicious act on your part directly aimed at me.

Brought mutant cat 2 and 3 into our family.-Admit it,They own YOU.

Went back to 'the company'.AHHHH! Workin' for the MAN.