So, just to prove that I'm a total D-list blogger who doesn't deserve to be read, let me show you the fabulous photos that I took at the Knitty meet up on Wednesday.
Still there? Yeah, keep waiting 'cause I didn't take any.
So, there was jpknits, and fujiyamamama, and snickerdoodle, and errs, and bina from the knittyboards, and it was fun and fabulous and they were really nice, and I probably talked too much in run-on sentences, and was too happy.
Then, I got really tired and had to leave right now or I will die.
So, there.
Oh, and there was the candy expo. I worked for a giant corperate conglomerate.
The funny thing was, I didn't think about candy like it was this big, cut-throat industry. But it is. Holy Crap.
I had to learn phrases like "silky sm**th texture is what separates D*** from other brands."
Jesus help me.
And I did it.
I did it for the money, but I did it. So dirty, so dirty.
So, I watched the behavior the the folks who go to the candy expo, and was totally fascinated.
On the last day of the show, people are trying to get rid of their stock, so that they don't have to ship it home.
Traditionally, this day was the day that people brought their children and then brought big duffel bags, and then went nuts.
Kid in a candy shop, anyone?
This year, they changed the rules. They only let one official show bag on the show floor, and they were taking the other bags away.
There were fights with security. Over candy.
Oh, just when I'm trying to find the good in humanity...and I actually have witnessed the Burning man spirit, and I'm just glowing in how good knitters are...this happens.
So, I've come away with some good, and some bad, and like most other things, it's changed me.
All those who read this blog for the non-knitting can probably just leave now.
The photo is of the yarn that I'm using for my next project. Because I finished Jen's fingerless gloves just in time for fall. So, I'm starting on something for myself. I'll probably cast on today.
I love the book Fitted Knitts. I love almost every single pattern in there, and I think that in many ways, it's an almost perfect book.
I've cast on a v-neck sweater, and I even went out and bought the specified yarn for it.
It's an alpaca/wool blend. The problem is that it sheds like a Persian cat in September.
I wear alot of black. It's not a good combo for the likes of me.
So, that project has become really...not so high on my list. I'll finish it, but me and the light blue sheddiness? Not so much.
So there's this wrap sweater in fitted knits. It's lovely. It's also (in the book) done with mohair.
Mohair sheds.
What I have is lovely Blue Moon Fiber Arts Geisha. It's a light fingering/heavy laceweight, in shades of blue that is nylon, silk and a tiny bit of mohair. 950 yards per skein. That's a fuckload of yardage for 25 bucks.
I bought it at Stitches Midwest, from Toni, at The Fold. I've since found out it retails for about 40 bucks. I bought it for 25. I have two skeins. I'm going to make that wrap by holding two strands together. This should cut down on pooling, and be about the right weight. I lurve this yarn.
I would lurve to finish a larger project that I can actually wear.
I photos I've seen of other finished wraps make me a little nervous, because the yarn, it's bunched up around the waist of the peoples, but, me? I'm hopeful.
ok I don't know whether to laugh or cry over the candy fighting, but it would have been interesting to see.
I totally forgot my camera, too. I'm such a lame knitblogger. *sigh*
I can just imagine the candy fights. I'd bet there weren't those kinds of fights at the infectious disease conference across the hall. *giggle* Gimme those textbooks! I want that Ebola tie! Lol!
It was such a fun night, though. I know I needed to be around knitting adults, eating good food, and chatting for a few hours. I think we all needed our batteries recharged. At least, I hope I wasn't the only one who did. :)
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