Friday, February 24, 2006

Roads less Fug

Really, not so much Fug this week.

I'm tired. Really, really tired. And I am sore.

It's a good tired, but it's there. I really need to grout the bathroom, and start to think about the house again. We took a short rest from the house stuff, 'cause seriously, it was starting to becomming a serious stressor on the marriage. So, we took a little break, and things have become a ton better. But I can feel the call of a pretty bathroom, and I know that I want to move into the downstairs bedroom for the summer.

Why? I don't know, it just seems like it would be fun to sleep in all the rooms of the house.

I want to paint the downstairs bedroom a deep, deep red, and do something funky to the bed down there.

I also want to find a bead curtain with the virgin mary on it. I saw one years ago in a shop in New Orleans. I didn't have a place for it then, I think it was too much money, as well.

I want to put that sucker between the living room and the downstairs bedroom. I want to buy some new curtains for the downstairs, and I also want to finish the entry way.

Baby steps, though. So tomorrow I grout! I will soak the paper backing off the tiles, and grout. I will not obsess over the tiling job. I will not think that there is too much space between tiles. I will respect, and like the job that Alan put so much time into.

I know that I have control issues. I know that my OCD-like tendency stuff is destructive. So, I'm going to let go.

Then, we can call the people who resurface bathtubs, and we'll have them come in and fix the tub all pretty.

I might actually re-grout the floor as well. Then, with a sigh of relief, we can pretty much call that bad boy finished, and move on to the entry way.

I am proud, and impressed by all the work that Alan's done. And a little sad that I'm such a slacker.

I really want to work on the outside of the house this summer. I would like to think about the garden, and the front porch. I would like to think seriously about the windows, 'cause we can't do another winter like this one.

I can't wait to drag the wheel out onto the back porch, and do some spinning...I would love to see what is going to come up this spring. I would like to start a compost bin. I would like to cut and stack wood for the fire pit. I would love to figure out some rain barrels.

I want to plant some climbing vines on the west side of the house, 'cause that fucking side of the house gets so much sun it's painful in the summer.
But mostly, without sounding like some sort of hippy, I want to be more mindful and happy while I do this work.

Alan is really good at that, for the most part. He seems to inherently like the process, and isn't so concerned about everything being perfect. He can just sit back and enjoy. He's also better at habits than I am...he just gets into a groove, and then just does things.

I admire that.

Spring is almost here.

1 comment:

Saint Lepus said...

What a peaceful sort of stress. Yeah, It sucks that if the hot water heater goes out, You can't call the landlord (and potentially worse) but even with all this, It is a stress of caring for something that is your own and there are rather certain varibles to arrive at known conclusion.Not so bad really. Look at how much of your life was uncertain not too long ago.

Find Alan's groove and admire it even if you can't aquire it and seek your own resolve. I can tell you from looking on the outside in (though that is not always the clearest view) You are now more centered than I have seen you in all the time I have known you.I am certainly happy for you both and all the stresses you face are pretty minimal.

Even now I am looking for a flow that won't dash me against the river stones but for the first time in my life I am looking for those stones ahead. I suppose that makes me a bruised up (Used up) late bloomer. Seriously, I see light ahead and I also see the work it takes and I think once we are able to see that in life then we are on the proper path. Sending Hippy Love.