Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My Kingdom for a digital camera

I would pretty much kill for a digital camera.

I would like to snap photos of pretty yarn, pictures of our backyard, or pretty much anything else, so that the people who read this, but who never post a comment (Dan), could see what we're up to, since they're so far away.

That said, I re-arranged the upstairs this weekend. Alan now has an office/studio type space where the living room used to be, and the little room at the top of the stairs has become the spinning/television room.

Why? Because we have very different styles of working.

Like right now.

I am supposed to be working on a class for le cheese shop, so I have the laptop on the couch, the t.v. on, and all my books, cigarettes, and coffee spread out around me. This is how I work. Very often the television is on, and I'm not watching it...very common, or like right now, there is music on...and a movie playing on the vcr, with the sound turned off. I need stimulation, otherwise, nothing happens.
Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer is good to work by, with The Clash providing a soundtrack.
I've always worked better call scrunched up into a ball, with my legs tucked under me, in low light. As a kid all I heard was "You're going to ruin your eyes reading in the dark." "Sit up straight."

Alan is a desk guy. He likes to sit at a desk, and type (freak).
So, now he has a desk, in a room that he can actually use. We need a comfy couple of chairs in that room, but other than that, we're set.

So, since the back room has great light, I thought he would actually use the desk/table that we have upstairs if we set it up right, and the wubby and the little couch (which is exactly the right height for me to sit at while I spin...all other chairs are too high, and I spin unevently when I sit in them), and my wool are in the little room.

I'm pretty happy, because I've been sort of avoiding doing anything to the upstairs, because we've done zero rehab work up here. Sort of a 'Don't look at the Elephant' deal. However, in my quest to live imperfectly ('cause the other choice is to not live at all), I'm trying to do stuff even though the final product will be imperfect.

So, imperfect as the upstairs is, we're living in all the rooms.


Saint Lepus said...

Leave it to you,Dearest Cat Lady, To give new meaning to the term, "Sit and Spin".

Anonymous said...

Alright goddamit trailer trash can only take so much and then they LASH OUT at society from behind a cat hair-covered curtain...

keep up the good work, Freaky Cat Woman. I got a haircut today - Kentucky Flat top. 2006 will be the year of the mullet.
Cant wait to see you guys.