Wednesday, February 22, 2006 take over the world

Or not.

Really, I'm not sure if I want to take over the world, I just want to go to California, and see Telina and Dan.

Alan and I are planning to take a little trip to California over Spring Break, and visit his family.
We won't be staying with his Mom and Dad for two reasons (well, more than that, but these are the big two).

Flesh eating bacteria. Yeah. You saw it here first. Alan's parents have been complaining about 'spider bites' for some time now. Turns out, they were boils
(ewwwww), and they are caused by flesh eating bacteria. Yeah, I'll pass on sleeping, eating or bathing in a house that has that teensy little problem.

The house is cold, damp, and I don't ever feel like having sex there.

So, we'll be staying in a hotel. I love hotels. Fancy sheets, and a thousand channels of cable television.

My biggest conundrum is that I'm going to have to leave my wheel behind. Or not. I'm already figuring out how I can bring the wheel, er make sure I get my fix, on our little vacation.

Maybe I could just knit with some of the yarn? Ha, I say, Ha. Knitting is fun, sure, more fun that a hooker and a bucket of KFC, but not as fun as spinning.
Right now, at least.

I have a plan to spin up enough yarn to knit into a sweater this summer. Two pounds of wool. That's a lot of yarn. It's sort of my informal challenge to myself. I'm not sure if there's anything in my stash that I want to maybe I should look for roving...

We'll be going to Napa Valley, and there is one great spinning shop in San Fran, and at least one out in Napa. Wine and wool, nothin' rocks better than that. Oh, and Dan and Telina! That's even better. Oh, and seeing lil' kids who are related to me. That's cool, too.

Maybe I'll knit. I still have to finish the cursed mittens. Oh, and I've got a couple of hanks of new yarn that I made that I should take out for a spin. No pun intended.

Wine of the Week:

2003 Runquist Syrah
Paso Robles, California

Um, yeah. This is tricksy, seductive little wine. When you first open the bottle, you think,'s just a fruit bomb. Sure, a perfectly balanced fruit bomb, that has a finish that lasts, and lasts, and lasts, but shit, it's a fruit bomb. Then the magic happens. Pepper, and coffee, and leather, oh my! Not a fruit bomb. The slightly grippy tannins suggest that you could keep this around for a couple of years, if you wanted to, but why wait?

1 comment:

Saint Lepus said...

Wait a minute, Flesh eating Bacteria....Doen"t the Prof's Dad work as a 'consultant" for the "Milllenium Group"? Now that is some scary shit. I remember when the heroin supply out in San Fran was tainted with that bacteria a few years ago, Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea.