Thursday, January 05, 2006

These are the days...

Let's be frank, 2005 wasn't all 'highlights'.

There were some real bummers, as well.

The husband getting robbed at gunpoint in front of our house.

A couple of good friends have been going through some very hard times. (I love you Shane)

The plumber had to come out a couple of times (He always costs lots and lots of money).

Lessons Learned?

None really. Sometimes people go through shit. Sometimes you can't fix the leak by yourself. Sometimes some kid decides to rob whitey.

Note to the shithead who robbed Alan: Fuck you. You only got three dollars. So fuck you very much, and your stupid cultural bias that all white people are rich.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that robbery wasn't all bad. I got a chance to chase the bastard down the street, and of course, it gave me an excuse to buy a car so that I can avoid people like that indefinitely.
As for the plumber, we knew we were getting into that stuff when we bought the place. Frankly, I am surprised I haven't lost a limb working on the house; for instance, when the circular saw almost cut my arm off.
It was a great year, one of the best..I could use fifty more like it.