Friday, January 27, 2006

Fug You? Not so much

Okay, since ebola put me to bed for four days, there's not so much Fug You.

Really, if I see nobody but Alan, and my cats, there's just nobody to hate.

So, Fuck you, ebola-like stomache flu virus thingy.

On a somewhat hatey and "fug you" note, if you go to, and click on "other cities", go to the Chicago forums.You can see a very long, pretty darn funny, flame-filled thread on my old boss Dion Antic, of Food and Drink (Iggy's, Harry's Velvet Room, ect.)

It's so nice to know that other people hate, too. And hate much more than I do.

Of course it's not so recent for me, so the hate has probably faded...but I'm not so sure that I ever hated Dion like some of these people. Feared him, at some point, then, was just sorta sad that he wasn't as cool as his PR, then well, sure, I had absolute contempt for him, but, really, who doesn't?

Sure, Dion is a sad little man, but he always paid me. Most bar/club owners are egomaniac, coke-sniffing freaks who fuck their more-attractive employees. I am thankful I got into fine dining and left the bars behind.

Dion is no better or worse than most, but damn, the posts that he posted on himself are truely a look into the black hole where his soul used to be. I wonder what it's like to be that empty?

Next week is filling up, work-wise.

I think I'm speaking at some sort of cheese thing for 'the company' on Monday, then there's class on Tuesday, I'm helping a friend re-vamp a restaurant's wine list on Thursday(or, if that doesn't happen, I'm going to go to a spinning guild meeting. Then I'm sure the company has me for the weekend.

I would really love to have a Saturday off. There, I've said it.

I want a whole Saturday to do shit with Alan. I want to get up, and go thrift shopping. Then, maybe look for some sort of 'Stash Storage'. Yarn stash, not anything else, degenerates. Then, lunch. Come back, maybe work on the house for a couple of hours, then take a shower, and go out to dinner, or see a band, or maybe hang out with a couple of friends at a bar, have a couple of drinks, or even see a movie.

Or, I'd like to drive out to Maringo, Illinois, and go to the spinner/wool paradise out there.
Or, drive out to Janesville, see the llamas, buy some wool, and try out a spinning wheel, then lunch, (see above to end of perfect Saturday) you know, fun stuff.

What I don't want to do is be at a restaurant, as an employee, for one weekend night. Or, beholden to work at somebody's private party.

Knitting wise, I'm done with the front of Izzy's sweater, and i'm about 3 inches into the back. It's a quick knit, and I think it's going to be done within two weeks.
Alan's sweater: I'm almost done with the body, then onto the sleeves, then the turtle neck. I'm thinking that this might be done by the end of February.

Wine of the week:

2003 Granger "Cuvee Speciale"
Julienas, France

If you find this, buy and drink. It's fucking amazing. Complex, full bodied, earthy,'s got everything. It's a rock out with your cock out kind of geek wine. I bought a case. If you're lucky, you'll get to drink this with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love a Saturday off with you as go see the Lllamas. Could we bring one home?

I know you like being out of the bars, but I miss the outfits.

Fug you, ebola.