Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New Knitty:open letter to Amy

Thank you, Amy.

I know that I was a little harsh in the past, what with the hatey and everything.
Don't get me wrong, I ment it. But the new summer Knitty is pretty awsome. There are cool socks, and an awsome little cardie, and only two cute kids things, that, quite frankly, I would knit for the kidlets that are not mine.

You are doing this full time now, it's a business. I am thrilled for you. That does come with a downside.

I expect great things from you. Amazing things, because you rock. You are a Public Figure.
Like EZ, or the Harlot.

The very first thing I knit was from Knitty. You were there for me, with my stupid questions, and the not understanding tension, and the witless fuckwittery. I was a moron, and you made me slightly more informed.

You tell me cool things, and support my habit, and let me feel less alone.

I'm sure that you are up to the challenge.

Thank you from the little house in the ghetto.

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