Saturday, June 10, 2006

Um, sure I'm high

Okay, so in the past week I've decided two things:

I should knit socks.

I need one of these
Jesus, I'm out of control.

I would show you pictures of the piles of fipping fiber stacked window-high in my front room, but I'm ashamed. I have something like way to much stacked in that room.

I know the llama weighs about 8 pounds, and then the fleece...that was 5 pounds, oh, and then...let's just say that speaking about fiber in weight really downplays the issue. Let's just say that you pick up your heaviest "winter in Chicago sweater"

That bad boy weighs maybe a pound and a half. Fiber is not that heavy.

Let's just say I have a feeling that I'm sneaking up onto twenty pounds of fiber.
That doesn't count the yarn. The yarn that is on every surface that you can think of upstairs. The yarn that's tucked into the cupboard where we keep coffee cups. The fiber and yarn that I turned into a cute little art still life in the living room. Could this be a sign that perhaps I've taken this thing too far?
No, really.
Shut up.

I'm about to order three pounds of really wonderful fiber for a sweater for The Professor, too, but that's not indicative of a problem.
No, really.
Shut up.

I'm also trying to figure out how I'm going to get Wheelie to my family reunion in South Dakota, too. Because. I. Can't. Stop.

I know that some of you have said "Why can't you just knit?"
You'll be surrounded by family, and you've even said you love that side of the family, and they're really funny, and one of them even married a vineyard owner,
and really, you'll be having such a good time, you won't even have time to spin.
It's ridiculous to drag your hobby with you on vacation. Wouldn't this be a good time to think about other things?
Like the huge speach that you're going to give in Portland, Oregon in July? Or how you need to find a new job soon? Shouldn't you face some of these upcomming issues instead of just diving into a pile or wool, or yarn, even, and ignoring these issues? Isn't that a little dysfunctional?
Honey, put down the wool. It was fun for a little while, but it's gone too far. This isn't funny anymore. You have tools like hand carders, and a diz, and a niddy noddy, and you worry about if your orifice needs oil, but shouldn't you think about the really important stuff? Like Zombie attacks?
No, really.
Shut up.


Saint Lepus said...

a niddy noddy "(Is your Niddy Naughty?)", and you worry about if your orifice needs oil"(HAHAHAHAHAHA)", but shouldn't you think about the really important stuff? Like Zombie attacks? "(Well, Zombies are real after all, Really, I mean it)"
No, really.
Shut up. "(I didn't say a word)".

If your happy then W.T.F.? Maybe you should retro-fit a single room solely dedicated to your work....Floor to ceiling storage solutions. You know racks and holders of your own design if possible and just give in to what you love.That is agood thing after all, Look you gave into Alan and that has to be one of your better choices.

Giving in to the things you love creatively just means that you have to temper it all in some way and make room for it in your life both as a metaphor and a reality.I wouldn't get too hung up yet as it seems good judgement usually prevails with you.I wish I could honestly say the same.

Anonymous said...

Got squid?

from a new album "Seven Songs for Cephalopods".


Anonymous said...

I don't mind the fiber, I really don't. When you are not looking, I build bird nests out of it, or shape it into coccoons and play "ecdysis"...
Your orifice need oil badly though, and I am just the one to do it.