Monday, June 25, 2007

Purple socks, you are open letter to the folks at Lorna's Laces

Dear Yarn People,

My purple socks are done. I did them in the 'Purple Club' colorway, and in sportweight, because these were really ment to be 'house socks', and they are beautiful, just loverly.

I buy your yarn because you are local, because Beth buys cheese and wine at cheeseworld, because I have a friend who (albeit for a single hot second) dated one of your employees.

Because you are part of the local community. I totally get that, okay? Don't think that I don't love you, because I do, but can we talk about the misleading name of your 'stripe' collection?

Sure, technically, it stripes, but I really, really thought that there would be a longer color run, which would result in a thicker, more substantial stripe. Something with some heft, as it were.

I think your stripe is paltry. Barely a stripe at all, and I'm feeling a little cheated.



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